Workshop in Translational Research, Health Innovation & Commercialization

KRISP is presenting at the UCL/UKZN workshop on translational research, Health Innovation and Commercialisation. The workshop starts 19th March, Tuesday, at 12pm, finishes 20th March, Wednesday, at 2pm in Durban, South Africa.

Organized by UCL in collaboration with African Health Research Institute (AHRI) and University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN)

When: Starts 19th March, Tuesday, at 12pm, finishes 20th March, Wednesday, at 2pm

Where: African Health Research Institute, Nelson R. Mandela School of Medicine, K-RITH Tower Building, 719 Umbilo Road, Durban

What: The workshop is targeted at early stage researchers and aims to introduce participants to the concepts and tools available to plan the translational pathway of their research towards healthcare delivery and social impact, including discussion around the issues of intellectual property and downstream commercialization and adoption.

Organized in three sessions; Session 1 will start with an overall perspective on Health Innovation in South Africa with talks covering policy making, funding opportunities and intellectual property legislation; Session 2 will focus on the specifics of doing translational research, technology transfer and innovation; and Session 3 will be case studies based with some teams presenting their innovation journeys in all its diversity.

Getting involved: Early stage researchers and/or innovators who work in the field of health and life sciences and have a demonstrable interest in translational research, innovation and commercialization should contact; UK and AHRI - Marta Ribeiro (; UKZN - Charlotte Mashaba (; UCT / AAS / SANTHE NETWORK - please contact the relevant training department in your organisation. Applications from Sub-saharan Africa, particularly South Africa, are welcomed. Approximately 40 places available.

Cost: The Workshop is free to attend due to the support from UKRI Global Challenges Research Fund. Accommodation costs will be covered.

Sponsor: UKRI Global Challenges Research Fund.

Additional info: Marta Ribeiro

Contact details or +44 20 7679 8130

News date: 2019-03-20
