KRISP Newsletter Apr/May 2019: Genomics, bioinformatics and artificial intelligence technologies at KRISP and ThermoFisher Workshops
This month, we focused our newsletter on Genomics, bioinformatics and artificial intelligence at KRISP. This month newsletter also highlights our travel to the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and a prestigious Royal Society Award to KRISP. We also cover our recent publication on TB and mental health in South Africa and four new training workshops organized with ThermoFisher Scientific.

This issue's highlights are:
Genomics & Bioinformatics: A KRISPER is inspired at the Wellcome Sanger Institute
Artificial Intelligence: KRISP at IndabaX Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence Conference, South Africa 2019
Award: KRISP team leader Dr. Veron Ramsuran joins a select club of Royal Society Research Fellows in Africa
Talks: ASSAf Consensus Study on Genetics & Genomics Seminar, 7 May 2019
Publication: Spatial structure of depression in South Africa, Nature Scientific Reports 2019
Media: KRISP work highlighted at SAFM, Sunday Times and U.K. Royal Society
News date: 2019-05-01