KRISP Bioinformatics Services and Expertises
KRISP is a competence centre in bioinformatics and computational biology. The group employs skilled personnel that provides infrastructure, support and technological R&D for life sciences and clinical research.
In order to cover the costs and thus ensure sustainability of KRISP's infrastructure and resources on the long term, KRISP is invoices its users on a costly basis.

KRISP operates high-productivity computational and storage resources for life and biomedical sciences and maintain high expertise over computational infrastructure, software development, biological data analysis and web development. Based on this expertise, the activities of KRISP bioinformatics group are:
1) Provision of computational infrastructure access (see list of our HPC infrastructure)
2) Maintenance of computational hardware as well software (see the list of >300 bioinformatics software applications installed in our HPC servers)
3) Bioinformatics support as provision of services. Our expertise spans computational sciences, algorithm development and data analysis (see list of our publications)
4) Education. KRISP participate to nationwide and international training programs (see list of our capacity building workshops)
We also offer support to write grants applications to fund KRISP's genomics and bioinformatics services. We have a very professional and experienced grants management unit and many senior scientists.Project design is also provided free of charge at KRISP, on the condition that once grant is awarded the project uses the services of KRISP.

News date: 2019-11-03