KRISP Service Brochure 2020

KRISP expanded its genomics service offers. Our DNA sequencing services incorporate internal quality control (IQC), external quality assurance (EQA) and procedures are validated and performed by HPCSA-accredited scientists. Here you can access a detailed brochure of the genomics services we provide in Africa.

KRISP Sales brochure. KRISP expanded its genomics service offers for 2019-2020

The following sequencing technologies are available to sequence whole genomes, sub- genomic regions, transcriptomes (i.e. RNA-Seq), amplicons and microsatellites from animals and plants in Africa. Short-read technology: Illumina (HiSeq, NextSeq, MiSeq) and TFS S5 (S5Ion, S5Prime) and Long-read technology: Oxford Nanopore Technology and PACBio (available by Genomics Africa partners)

We offer Genomics services for:

- Animal and Plant Sciences

- Pathogen and Microbes

- Human Genomics

We also provide advanced:

- Bioinformatics Services

- Training and Capacity Building

We strive to provide convenient services to all our customers. As part of our field support, we offer sample collection regionally, nationally and internationally using our courier fleet and contracted courier partners. Our drivers have been trained and accredited by IATA for transportation of infectious substances and biological samples. For more information about shipment range or to arrange a timely sample pick-up that suits your needs please contact us.

News date: 2020-01-01
