Twitter Science: The new way to quickly communicate scientific results! Please follow us for real-time updates
We at CERI and KRISP are very used to epidemic and pandemic responses. One of the crucial tools for fast communication of results across the scientific community, media, government, and general population is Twitter. Follow us for real-time updates

Twitter accounts from our teams:
- CERI at Stellenbosch - @ceri_news
- KRISP at UKZN - @krisp_news
- Houryiah Tegally - @houzhou
Dr. Eduan Wilkinson - @EduanWilkinson
- Dr. Richard Lessells - @rjlessells
- Prof. Tulio de Oliveira - @tuliodna
- Stellenbosch University - @StellenboschUni
News date: 2022-02-01