CERI's Stakeholders Engagement Plan for the project Accelerating Genomics-based Surveillance for COVID-19 Response in South Africa

Stakeholder Engagement includes the process of engaging stakeholders for a clear purpose to achieve agreed outcomes. It is now also recognized as a fundamental accountability mechanism since it obliges an organization to involve stakeholders in identifying and understanding of the specific program/project and responding to issues and concerns raised by the stakeholders for decisions, actions, and hence improving program/project performance.

The Accelerating Genomics-based Surveillance for COVID-19 Response in South Africa and the African Continent project will expand the capacity of South Africa and the region to produce more than 20,000 SARS-CoV-2 genomes in a three-year period.

The Project includes four (4) components:

• Component 1: Expanding the NGS-SA capacity and training

• Component 2: Establishing an effective system to evaluate diagnostics and vaccine effectiveness against the variants in Africa

• Component 3: Strengthening the data systems to share and training public health officials and scientists for genomic sequencing data analysis in near-real time

• Component 4: Project management, monitoring and evaluation

The complete Stakeholder Engagement in PDF format plan can for this project can be downloaded from the image below.

Click on the image to download he complete Stakeholder Engagement in PDF format

News date: 2022-07-31

