SATuRN & AWACC workshop - 19-20 November 2015, Durban, South Africa
The SATuRN 10th Southern African HIV & TB Drug Resistance and Treatment Monitoring Workshop will be run together with the Annual Workshop on Advanced Clinical Care - AIDS (AWACC) - Durban, South Africa, 19 to 20 November 2015

The AWACC annual workshop which started in 2007 has been held yearly. The first workshop was a joint effort of the Centre for AIDS research (CFAR) of Harvard Medical school and McCord Hospital (MH) ,Durban South Africa. Since 2014, the Southern African Treatment Resistance Network had joined and co-organize this annual workshop.
The workshop receives approximately 400 delegates for its relevance to the growing ART and anti-TB roll out programme in South Africa.
The two-day interactive workshop will translate the latest evidence-based research and apply best practice models of care into good clinical practice, specifically for resource constrained areas.
All major local institutions involved in HIV care and research over the last 6 years : UKZN Health Sciences department, Centre for programme in AIDS research South Africa (CAPRISA), Africa Centre for Health and Population Studies, Southern African Treatment Resistance Network (SATuRN), Hospice Palliative Care Society (HPCS-SA), University of Wits and Cape Town, Right to Care, Kwa Zulu Natal Research Institute of HIV and TB (K-RITH). Several speakers have participated from leading US universities yearly...News date: 2015-11-19