Capillary Electrophoresis (i.e. Sanger Sequencing) Training Workshop, Durban, South Africa, 24-25 March 2019
UKZN African Health Flagship, KRISP, DIPLOMICS & Thermo Education Program on Capillary Electrophoresis (i.e. Sanger Sequencing) . Thermo-KRISP Lab, Nelson Mandela School of Medicine, UKZN, Durban, South Africa, 25-26 March 2019. Training is open to University Post-Graduate Students & Technical Staff of Commercial and Academic laboratories. Scholarships available to previously disadvantaged South African learners.

- Download application form (deadline for application 25 February 2019).
Please submit application forms to:
Mrs Gugulethu Cynthia Mkhize
Tel: +27 31 260 4198
Cost: ZAR 2,500 (Scholarships available to previously disadvantaged South African learners)
This class is designed for users of capillary electrophoresis (CE) technology. Attendees will benefit by having training in a class environment, hands-on lab practicals and interaction with fellow attendees and Life Technologies application scientists during lecture and discussion sessions. The instrument used during the training will be the 3500 series.
Course Description:
This hands-on course is a 2-day intensive overview of DNA sequencing. Course topics include application workflow setup and optimization; an overview of instrument hardware, operation and maintenance; use of data collection software; preparation and running of samples and standards; analysis software tutorials, and troubleshooting discussions. Students will run, analyze and troubleshoot sequencing samples as well as fragment analysis samples. Applied Biosystems 3500 instruments will be used for lab practicals.
Tuition includes laboratory reagents, consumables, course materials, breakfast, and lunch. Travel, hotel, and other incidental expenses relating to the training are the responsibility of the attendee.
- This course is subsidised by UKZN African Health Flagship, DIPLOMICS, Thermo Fisher and KRISP in order to train the next generation of scientists in Africa. It normally costs US$ 2,375 - 2 days in the US. - see
News date: 2019-03-25