The South African COVID-19 Pregnancy Outcomes Study

The South African Obstetric Surveillance System Consortium in partnership with the SA MRC Maternal and Infant Health Strategies Unit and KRISP/UKZN invites clinicians from South African obstetric institutions to participate in this national study.

The South African COVID-19 Pregnancy Outcomes Study

Click on this link or on the image above to download it.

Principal Investigators:

National PIs:

- Dr Samantha Budhram (UKZN)

- Dr. Valerie Vannevel (UP)

National CIs:

- Dr. Laura Yates (KRISP/UKZN)

- Prof. Salmome Maswime (UCT)

To Participate as an investigator, please contact:

- Dr Samantha Budhram (Email:

News date: 2020-05-29
