27th International Workshop on Virus Evolution and Molecular Epidemiology (VEME2023), Stellenbosch, South Africa

VEME2023 will be organized in Stellenbosch, South Africa, during August 20–25, 2023. The workshop comprises 6 full days of theoretical lectures, practical sessions and keynote presentations. VEME2023 will accept 150 participants in 4 modules.

Click on the image above to go to VEME2023 website.

This workshop gathers top researchers from across the world, who will provide in-depth understanding of both practical and theoretical concepts of bioinformatics. Participants will be equipped to address bioinformatics questions and offer insight to peers and society, advancing the field and improving public health.

- VEME2023 website: https://veme.climade.health

The programme comprises four key modules:

The “Phylogenetic Inference” module offers theoretical background and hands-on experience in phylogenetic analysis for those who have little or no prior expertise in sequence analysis.

The “Evolutionary Hypothesis Testing” module targets participants who are familiar with alignments and phylogenetic trees and would like to extend their expertise to likelihood and Bayesian inference in phylogenetics, coalescent and phylogeographic analyses (‘phylodynamics’).

The “NGS Analysis” module covers the analysis of Next Generation Sequencing data of viruses and metagenomics.

The “From Trees to Public Health Policy“ module aims to support decision-making for public health managers in the face of surveillance, to better prepare to respond to epidemics and pandemics.

Practical sessions in these modules will involve software such as, PHYML, MEGA, PAML, HYPHY, IQ-Tree, BEAST, SpreaD3, UGENE, MEGAN, RAxML, Clusterpicker, BEAST2, RDP4, FigTree, Genome Detective, among others.

Participants are requested to bring their own data set to work on during practical sessions and to refer to The Phylogenetic Handbook if they are seeking basic guidance.

The abstract and application deadline is 1 April 2023.

Selections of participants will be made by the first week after the deadline.

The registration fee of $700 covers attendance, coffee breaks and lunch. In each 4-day module, participation is limited to 30 scientists and is dependent on a selection procedure based on the submitted abstract and statement of motivation.

Thanks to the financial support from the WHO / Rockefeller Foundation /Abbott Diagnostics, a limited number of scholarships are available for scientists who experience difficulties to attend because of financial reasons. These scholarships will cover travel, accommodation and registration fees.

News date: 2023-04-01

