Newsletter, Oct 2013: News, blogs, manuscripts & Youtube videos!
The concept behind this newsletter is that anyone with 15 minutes to spare can learn about the work of SATuRN. In this third issue of 2013 our newsletter we focus on our digital videos activities. We have also included interesting news, blogs, reports, tweets, publications and training information produced by our network.
This issue's highlights are:
Blog & Publication: Unresolved non-adherence drives early 2nd line ART failure
Blog: Multi-step inhibition explains HIV-1 Protease inhibitor pharmacodynamics and resistance
Video: HIV & TB drug resistance and clinical management casebook
VideoBlog: SATuRN and PASER Scientific Meeting
Produced by: Tulio de Oliveira, Tobias Rinke de Wit, Justen Manasa, Lungani Ndwandwe, Sonia Boender, Christopher Hoffmann, Raph Hamers, Lynn Morris, Anna Salimo, Jennifer Giandhari & Chris Seebregts
News date: 2013-10-01
Publication cited
Human Retrovirus Codon Usage from tRNA Point of View: Therapeutic Insights. Frias D, Monteiro-Cunha JP, Mota-Miranda AC, Fonseca V, de Oliveira T, Galvao-Castro B Alcantara LCJ, Bioinformatics and Biology Insights (2013), 7:1-11.